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About IMAT

The International Medical Admissions Test (IMAT), is a 100 minute subject-specific aptitude test, designed by Cambridge Assessment, used as part of the admissions process for some Italian universities. These universities offer undergraduate medicine and dentistry courses that are taught in English and open to applicants outside of Italy.

The IMAT is a pen & paper exam.


Candidates will receive a folder containing the exam paper, an answer sheet and a personal data sheet.

IMAT is a test of skills and knowledge that learners are expected to have already and consists of sixty (60) multiple choice questions with five options (of which only one is correct) divided as follows:

Reading skills & General knowledge

4 multiple-choice questions

Logical reasoning & Problem solving

5 multiple-choice questions

  • visual reasoning

  • relevant selection

  • finding procedures

  • percentages

There is no specific time allocation for each section.


23 multiple-choice questions

  • anatomy & physiology

  • cytology

  • genetics

  • biomolecules

  • the central dogma of molecular biology

  • bioenergetics


15 multiple-choice questions

  • organic chemistry

  • solutions

  • stoichiometry

  • bonds & molecular geometry

  • periodic table

Physics & Mathematics

13 multiple-choice questions

  • geometry

  • probability & statistics

  • equations & disequations

  • thermodynamics

  • kinematics

  • dynamics

Score calculation

A candidate’s total score is calculated using the following formula:​


for each

correct answer


for each

wrong answer


for each 

omitted question

An overall total score is reported (MAX=90 points), together with a score on each section.

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